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Pre-Marital Counseling, Marriage Enrichment, Marriage Restoration and Marriage Intensives


Dr. Tate has done over 36,000 hours of counseling with individuals, couples, and families. He began his counseling at The Baptist Marriage and Family Counseling Center in Fort Worth, Texas in 1995. In 2000, he moved to New Orleans to serve as Assistant Professor of Counseling at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Shortly after arriving in NOLA, he began his private practice. In 2005, he moved to Madison, Mississippi to serve on staff at Broadmoor Baptist Church as Family Pastor. During his 9 years on staff, he founded and directed The Center for Hope and Healing, a full service counseling center meeting the needs of the local community. Though he spends the bulk of his time now teaching and speaking, he still sees approximately 12 clients per week to keep his counseling sharp and to remain abreast of the most effective counseling skills and techniques.  These days Tate only does marriage counseling. He refers all other issues to competent professionals in the area. 


These are a few of the areas in which Dr. Tate specializes:


Marriage Crisis


Marriage Enrichment


Premarital Counseling


Marriage Intensives


Communication & Conflict Resolution

Counseling is a vast and complex profession and ministry. There are as many ways of doing counseling as there are counselors who are practicing in the field. Unfortunately, one of the things we realize is that there are more counselors NOT helping people, as there are counselors who ARE helping people. Counselors steeped in the theories and philosophies of secular humanism are peddling a form of self-help that is rarely helpful. Instead, clients become mired in their pain and paralyzed to move forward. 


Dr. Tate and the counselors who work alongside him are uniquely biblical in their approach to people helping. We define biblical counseling as:

a process in which a faithful follower of Christ, understanding his or her God-given gifts, training, knowledge, and expertise follows the direction of the Holy Spirit and properly applies God’s Word, in the task of walking with others toward spiritual maturity, emotional health, cognitive truth, relational stability and behavioral accountability in a caring and supportive environment.

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We pray that your life will be transformed, not just changed through counseling. Utilizing the truth of God's Word, the very best in clinical practices, and counselors who are passionately devoted to Christ and their clients - we know that biblical counseling works and hope you'll give us a chance to walk with you through whatever challenges you are facing.


If you'd like to request counseling,


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